Trainings & Presentations
Contact UsCall Our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at 1-866-373-8300
Professional Training
We provide training to allied professionals who may come in contact with survivors or are interested in working with survivors. REACH offers workshops to enhance resiliency and build skills to promote safety and wellbeing in our community.

Sexual Assault Counselor Training
Our state certified training is 51.75 hours and prepares individuals to volunteer on our 24/7 crisis hotline and provide advocacy and support for survivors of sexual violence.

HT Case worker Training
In accordance with AB1735, our Human Trafficking Caseworker Training prepares individuals to volunteer in assisting survivors of human trafficking ‘concerning mental, physical, emotional or other conditions related to their human trafficking experience’ (Evidence Code 1038.2(e). A volunteer Human Trafficking Caseworker would provide case management services, such as connecting survivors to resources and providing advocacy and support.

Law Enforcement/CPS/First Responder Briefings
As a rape crisis center REACH is part of the local Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). SART partners can include law enforcement, forensic nurses, child protective services, first responders, district attorneys, etc. REACH provides trainings to collaborative partners to improve service delivery for survivors. These collaborations are aimed at improving the outcome from each part of the system that survivors may encounter.

Building Resiliency Workshops
Designed to support teachers and school staff with strategies to alleviate stress, prevent burnout, and increase resiliency.

Brave Workshops
Designed to reduce the risk of victimization by providing knowledge and age-appropriate skills about personal safety to children.

Community Presentations
REACH believes that violence is preventable and education can affect changes in attitudes and behaviors. Ending violence is a community responsibility. REACH is committed to educating the Valley and surrounding areas on the impact of violence and trauma on our communities. We offer community presentations to local schools, civic organizations, teen groups, faith groups, businesses, and any other interested group in our service area. Presentation topics include REACH services, sexual and domestic violence, child trauma, abuse, and bullying, and human trafficking.
We provide training to allied professionals who may come in contact with survivors or are interested in working with survivors. REACH offers workshops to enhance resiliency and build skills to promote safety and wellbeing in our community.
Our state certified training is 51.75 hours and prepares individuals to volunteer on our 24/7 crisis hotline and provide advocacy and support for survivors of sexual violence.
In accordance with AB1735, our Human Trafficking Caseworker Training prepares individuals to volunteer in assisting survivors of human trafficking ‘concerning mental, physical, emotional or other conditions related to their human trafficking experience’ (Evidence Code 1038.2(e). A volunteer Human Trafficking Caseworker would provide case management services, such as connecting survivors to resources and providing advocacy and support.
As a rape crisis center REACH is part of the local Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). SART partners can include law enforcement, forensic nurses, child protective services, first responders, district attorneys, etc. REACH provides trainings to collaborative partners to improve service delivery for survivors. These collaborations are aimed at improving the outcome from each part of the system that survivors may encounter.
Designed to support teachers and school staff with strategies to alleviate stress, prevent burnout, and increase resiliency.
Designed to reduce the risk of victimization by providing knowledge and age-appropriate skills about personal safety to children.
REACH believes that violence is preventable and education can affect changes in attitudes and behaviors. Ending violence is a community responsibility. REACH is committed to educating the Valley and surrounding areas on the impact of violence and trauma on our communities. We offer community presentations to local schools, civic organizations, teen groups, faith groups, businesses, and any other interested group in our service area. Presentation topics include REACH services, sexual and domestic violence, child trauma, abuse, and bullying, and human trafficking.