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Call Our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at 1-866-373-8300
Healing from trauma is a journey
Your journey with REACH begins with your strengths, builds your resiliency, and provides opportunities to heal. Services are survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and empowerment-based. All services are free and confidential for survivors of all ages. We specialize in the treatment of sexual & domestic violence, childhood trauma and abuse, and human trafficking.

REACH provides all levels of support to survivors in addition to accompanying them through the different phases of the recovery process.

REACH provides professional counseling in a safe environment both in person and via TeleHealth to address the impacts of trauma. Counseling is free and confidential for survivors and their loved ones.

REACH provides case management services and support to survivors and their families. Case Managers serve as guides to navigating the web of services available to survivors.

REACH provides services to meet the local needs and connect residents to support through different school-based services, professional trainings, and presentations.